Is there a way to increase default variable length in Python (I think default is 255 for string ?) ? For example in SAS there is a length statement to assign a fixed length to a certain variable. It works like- LENGTH variable-list $ number-of-bytes;
The reason I want to do that is this error:
DataError: value too long for type character varying(256)
I am trying to write a pandas data frame to redshift but its not working because of the above error. Now I have almost 400 variables/columns, most of them are string type (basically description or comments) and its not possible to check each variable to find the problem. Also a point to be noted is pandas data frame is considering those string or varchar type columns as 'object' type.
I have tried to search the issue, but not seeing much information.
What you're encountering is a limit set in your Redshift schema, not in python or pandas. Redshift is based on PostgreSQL, so you may find the answers here to be useful.