I'm trying to change the way the index page works by adding to it a number present in the xml. so in theory this is supposed to be made out of the box, but for some reason the output doesn't have my page-number prefix.
for example, if the node somethingElse has the value, 57 and is on the page 13 I want to have 57.13 displayed on the index but only 13 gets displayed.
I tried to change value-of/inline to a block conataining only a word test, but even that doesn't seem to work. So I can only assume that I'm not using index-page-number-prefix correctly...
What am I doing wrong ?
<fo:inline font-weight="normal">
<fo:leader leader-pattern="dots"/>
<fo:index-key-reference ref-index-key="{.};{../title};;" font-weight="bold">
<xsl:value-of select="ancestor::something/SomethigElse"/>.
is ignored by RenderX. See http://www.renderx.com/reference.html#XSL11_Support or, more specifically, http://www.renderx.com/reference.html#XSL11_Indexes.