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How to configure extra properties to load in a android app initialization?

I want to setup a variable SERVER_URL and it'll be switched between environments production, test, development.

What I want to do:

protected void onCreate(Bundle bundle) {
    R.urls.SERVER_URL; // is it a valid approach using resources?

Is there a way to switch environments(dev, prod, test) without change the code?

What's the best approach to implement this behavior?

Is there a way to configure it in the playstore my variable(SERVER_URL) or must I implement only in code?


  • There are 2 ways you can do it:

    1/ By string resource like you want

    Add a resource file called secret_keys.xml or whatever name to separate it from other resources file. Put your keys, api endpoints here as the normal string resource, remember to add translatable="false" if you don't want to mess with localization.

    Place that file in app/debug/res/values/. Create a new debug folder if it doesn't exist. Do the same for staging or release, Android will automatically use the folder with the same name as the build type.

    2/ By properties files

    Create 3 .properties files and put your keys inside: enter image description here


    Bind it to BuildConfig variable in your app build.gradle, do the same for other build types:

    def getPropertiesFile = { path ->
        Properties properties = new Properties()
        properties.load(new FileInputStream(file(path)))
        return properties
    android {
        buildTypes {
            debug {
                getPropertiesFile('./config/').each { p ->
                    buildConfigField 'String', p.key, p.value

    In your app just call BuildConfig.HOST to get the string you want


    Ignore these config files in .gitignore:
