I am working on Selenium WebDriver with Java for automation and TestNG is my framework. I am running Login Test in which i log each step in the Extent report. I have a function for each step and for each step, i am attaching a screenshot.
I am unsure on how to name each screenshot with a unique descriptive name. I tried getting the current method(step) name but it seems like I need to create an anonymous class eveytime and eveywhere to get the current running method name as per the below code.
String name = new Object(){}.getClass().getEnclosingMethod().getName();
Here is my code.
@Test(priority = 0, testName="Verify Login")
public void login() throws Exception {
lp = new LoginPage(driver, test);
tm = new TabMenu(driver, test);
public void verifyLoginPageLogo() throws IOException {
String name = new Object(){}.getClass().getEnclosingMethod().getName();
test.log(LogStatus.PASS, "Logo is displayed", Screenshots.takeScreenshot(driver, name, test));
public static String takeScreenshot(WebDriver driver, String name, ExtentTest test) throws IOException {
String directory = "C:\\Users\\JACK\\Documents\\eclipse-workspace\\OrangeHRM\\Screenshots\\";
String fileName = name + ".png";
File destFile = new File(directory + fileName);
TakesScreenshot ss = (TakesScreenshot) driver;
File sourceFile = ss.getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);
FileUtils.copyFile(sourceFile, destFile);
String imgPath = test.addScreenCapture(directory+fileName);
return imgPath;
Is there any other way to do this?
Sure, there are lots of options:
or just UUID.randomUUID()
to get a name. That wouldn't be semantically meaningful, but it would get you unique filenames easily enough.@Before
methods. Even if you do need multiples, you could combine test-name-rule with a sequence number.Using #2 as an example, you could modify your code do something like:
@Test(priority = 0, testName="Verify Login")
public void login(ITestContext context) throws Exception {
lp = new LoginPage(driver, test);
tm = new TabMenu(driver, test);
lp.verifyLoginPageLogo(context.getName(), 0);
tm.isCurrentTab("Dashboard", context.getName(), 1);
public void verifyLoginPageLogo(String testName, int stepName) throws IOException {
String name = new Object(){}.getClass().getEnclosingMethod().getName();
test.log(LogStatus.PASS, "Logo is displayed", Screenshots.takeScreenshot(driver, testName, stepName, test));
public static String takeScreenshot(WebDriver driver, String testName, int stepName, ExtentTest test) throws IOException {
String fileName = testName + "_" + stepName ".png";
// the rest of your screenshot code
You could even replace the step number with another semantically meaningful word, "loginLogo", "dashboardTab" if that's helpful