`ifelse(`$#', `1', `', `$#', `2', `$1(`$2')',
`$1(`$2')__for_each(`$1', shift(shift($@)))')')dnl
define(`__method_decl', `virtual $2 $1() = 0;')
define(`__expose_method', `pushdef(`method', `__method_decl')$1 popdef(`method')')dnl
define(`interface', ``struct' $1 {
__for_each(`__expose_method', shift($@))
method(ma, int),
method(mb, void))
I expect the script will produce output like:
struct iface {
virtual int ma() = 0; virtual void mb() = 0;
But instead of virtual int ma() = 0; virtual void mb() = 0;
it returns line space-filled line.
How should I define macros method
at __expose_method
evaluation time to get desired output?
The only way I found to implement this behavior is to use patsubst
function in next manner:
define(`__expose_method', `patsubst(`$1', `method', `__method_decl')')dnl
It seems to be duct tape.