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URI vs URL in React Native

In react-native one can do:

const somePath = 'https://...'
<Image source={somePath} />


const somePath = 'https://...'
<Image source={{uri: somePath}} />

From what I understand about web addresses is that URIs are a superset of URLs and URNs.


  1. What are the potential problems associated with supplying a web address to source as a URL?
  2. What are the potential problems associated with supplying a web address to source as a URI?

  3. Which method of supplying an address of an image to source is more accurate, safer, and future proof?


  • The first code example you provided won't work

    const somePath = 'https://...'
    <Image source={somePath} />

    In general general you should use the source prop to provide a local image like so

    const someLocalImage = require("./assets/someImageName.png");
    <Image source={someLocalImage} />

    and the uri to display a remote image like so

    <Image source={{uri: "" />

    You can also use the uri to display base64 image data


    Read more about it in the documentation