I'm using Azure Logic Apps to call out to the Microsoft Graph API using the HTTP - HTTP
action. For this API I need to execute a POST request with the following body:
"@odata.id": "<guid>"
When I try to save the Logic App, this error shows:
Failed to save logic app <redacted>. The template validation failed: 'The template action '<redacted>' at line '1' and column '144589' is not valid: "Unable to parse template language expression 'odata.id': expected token 'LeftParenthesis' and actual 'Dot'.".'.
How can I use this attribute in my JSON payload?
EDIT: as requested, a screenshot of the part of the Logic App that generates the error on Saving.
From this article:
Logic Apps workflow definitions with the Workflow Definition Language schema
If you have a literal string that starts with the @ character, prefix the @ character with another @ character as an escape character: @@
So in your case, this should work:
"@@odata.id": "your value here"