I'm currently working in project that needs Cassandra database to have search ability. We've got DataStax cluster and we want to use Spring Data to simplify database operations. However, when we made entity that got both - @Table
(for cassandra) and @SolrDocument
(for Solr) it happened to be broken. The only error we got is the one below. Anyone have encountered such a problem?
Caused by: org.springframework.data.mapping.PropertyReferenceException: No property findAll found for type ENTITYNAME!
I know that this is probably Spring issue, but hope to find someone who have fought this type of problem. Greetings!
Some sample entity causing problems:
@SolrDocument(solrCoreName = "sample_entity")
public final class SampleEntity {
@Indexed(name = "id")
private UUID id;
private LocalDateTime created;
private UUID foreignId;
@Indexed(name = "name")
private String name;
private boolean someflag = true;
You're mixing up things - if you're using DSE Search, then it's better to perform search via CQL, by querying in the solr_query
column. In your example, the @SolrDocument
will force using of the Solr's HTTP API, while @Table
will force use of CQL.
You can use Object Mapper from DataStax to map classes to tables, like this:
// STest.java
@Table(keyspace = "test",name = "stest")
public class STest {
private int id;
private String t;
// STestAccessor.java
public interface STestAccessor {
@Query("SELECT * FROM test.stest WHERE solr_query = :solr")
Result<STest> getViaSolr(@Param("solr") String solr);
// STestMain.java
MappingManager manager = new MappingManager(session);
STestAccessor sa = manager.createAccessor(STestAccessor.class);
Result<STest> rs = sa.getViaSolr("*:*");
for (STest sTest : rs) {
System.out.println("id=" + sTest.getId() + ", text=" + sTest.getT());