I am currently developping a website with spring boot, kotlin where I am trynig to read Google Trends Rss feeds in xml format and parse them to Json. I want to add unit tests to test my controller but I do not know what to test exactly.
This is my data class:
data class Rss (
val title: String,
val source: String,
val image: String,
val description: String,
val url: String
This is my rest Controller
class RssRestService {
@GetMapping(value = "/list/item")
fun rss(): List<Rss>? {
val url = "https://trends.google.fr/trends/hottrends/atom/feed?pn=p1"
val reader = XmlReader(URL(url))
val feed: SyndFeed = SyndFeedInput().build(reader)
return feed.entries.subList(1,6)
.map { entry -> Rss(
title = entry.title,
image = entry.foreignMarkup[1].content[0].value.substring(2),
source = entry.foreignMarkup[2].content[0].value,
description = entry.foreignMarkup[3].content[1].value.toString(),
url = entry.foreignMarkup[3].content[1].value
) }
And what I did so far for testing is
@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
class DemoApplicationTests {
lateinit var testRestTemplate: TestRestTemplate
fun contextLoads() {
fun rssTest() {
val result = testRestTemplate.getForEntity("/rss/list/item", String::class.java)
Assert.assertEquals(HttpStatus.OK, result.statusCode)
My question is: what should I test? and how to test if the output is write or not?
I splited The controller from the service:
class RssRestService {
lateinit var rssService: RssService
@GetMapping(value = "/list/item")
fun rss(): List<Rss>? {
val url = "https://trends.google.fr/trends/hottrends/atom/feed?pn=p1"
return rssService.getListRss(url)
My Service
class RssService{
fun getListRss(url: String): List<Rss> {
val reader = XmlReader(URL(url))
val feed: SyndFeed = SyndFeedInput().build(reader)
return feed.entries.subList(1,6)
.map { entry -> Rss(
title = entry.title,
image = entry.foreignMarkup[1].content[0].value,
source = entry.foreignMarkup[2].content[0].value,
description = entry.foreignMarkup[3].content[1].value.toString(),
url = entry.foreignMarkup[3].content[5].value
) }
And then for testing I created a file with static rss feeds and I passed it's path as a url
fun listItemTest() {
val result = rssService.getListRss("file:///Home/iroolApp/src/test/kotlin/com/iroolapp/demo/feeds")
Assert.assertEquals("Iran Nuclear Deal", result[0].title)
Assert.assertEquals("//t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTbU16JklJB3H_Ib3dUeu03_4HQPABuE8EthZQRUEG6JMFyDHYytTn-9wexe3E2yYOKO1K9c0Fl", result[0].image)
Assert.assertEquals("New York Times", result[0].source)
Assert.assertEquals("Trump Withdraws US From 'One-Sided' <b>Iran Nuclear Deal</b>", result[0].description)
Assert.assertEquals("https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/08/world/middleeast/trump-iran-nuclear-deal.html", result[0].url)
So Is it correct to pass a file with a local path containing the feeds?