Is it possible to execute query for hive using jinjasql and pyhive? When I tried it I got following error.
pyhive.exc.ProgrammingError: Unsupported param format:
I can execute query with jinjasql as well as with pyhive but I need to use both together to prevent sql injection.
Environment (all on the same VM.)
Pyhive supports list, tuple and dict in params. While jinjasql supports multiple param style, and as mentioned in the documentation here
It should return a list, except for 'named' or 'pyformat' which would return a dictionary. Since Jinjasql creates a Ordereddict it is throwing this exception. Solution should be to use a param style which returns a list.
Hope this helps :)
UPDATE for python 3: In python 3 you will have to convert the parameters to list as dict.values() returns a view of the dictionary values.