Search code examples

How to add custom menuItem in specified position of UIMenuController?

There are five default menu items in the UIMenuController: Cut, Copy, Paste, Look Up, Share... I want to add one custom menuItem "Paste and Search" between menu "Paste" and "Look Up".


  • You can do this by disable System Menu and create your own menu using UIMenuController

    Start to SubClass your view say UIWebView or UItextView , UIScrollView,..etc and ovveride this method override func canPerformAction(_ action: Selector, withSender sender: Any?) to disable system Menu item

    Like that - UIWebView Example

    import UIKit
    class CustomWebView: UIWebView {
       override func canPerformAction(_ action: Selector, withSender sender: Any?) -> Bool {
              return false  // Disable Menu system

    Then Start to create your Own Menu, and implement its functions copy paste,...

    class  ViewController: UIViewController{
        @IBOutlet var webView: CustomWebView!
        override func viewDidLoad() {
            self.webView.loadHTMLString("<p>Hello, world!</p>", baseURL: nil)
        func enableCustomMenu() {
            let cut = UIMenuItem(title: "Cut", action: #selector(runCut))
            let copy = UIMenuItem(title: "Copy", action: #selector(runCopy))
            let paste = UIMenuItem(title: "Paste", action: #selector(runPaste))
            let pasteSearch = UIMenuItem(title: "Paste and Search", action: #selector(runPasteSearch))
            let look = UIMenuItem(title: "Look Up", action: #selector(runLook))
       //  ----> here Arrange as you can
            UIMenuController.shared.menuItems = [cut,copy,paste,pasteSearch,look]
        func disableCustomMenu() {
            UIMenuController.shared.menuItems = nil
        @objc func runCut() {
        @objc func runCopy() {
            let text = webView.stringByEvaluatingJavaScript(from: "window.getSelection().toString();")
            print(text ?? "")
        @objc func runPaste() {
        @objc func runPasteSearch() {
        @objc func runLook() {