I am creating one application where I have created my custom static class where I want to catch application level events like (applicationDidBecomeActive, applicationWillResignActive and applicationWillTerminate).
Say Ex: I want to set one variable in my custom class called : IS_ACTIVE, which is default false
class CustomClass {
static var IS_ACTIVE: Bool = false;
I want to set IS_ACTIVE to true when applicationDidBecomeActive event occurs,
right now I am setting up IS_ACTIVE via "AppDelegate.swift" file where applicationDidBecomeActive occurs,
but I want is applicationDidBecomeActive should occur in my custom class.
please help me on this. Thanks
As my knowledge, you should add observer to listen app event look like this
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(self.appBecomeActive), name: NSNotification.Name.UIApplicationDidBecomeActive, object: nil)
And remember remove observer when your class deinit