Regarding DisplayProductID and DisplayVendorID of Screen (Display), I can get the info from System Information and several commands in Terminal like this;
Display Product Name is different with DisplayProductID, It is just String.
$ defaults read /Library/Preferences/
DisplayResolutionEnabled = 1;
DisplaySets = (
Active = 1;
Depth = 4;
DisplayID = 69731456;
DisplayProductID = 40978;
DisplaySerialNumber = 0;
DisplayVendorID = 1552;
Height = 1080;
IODisplayLocation = "IOService:/AppleACPIPlatformExpert/PCI0@0/AppleACPIPCI/P0P2@1/IOPCI2PCIBridge/GFX0@0/NVDA,Display-A@0/NVDA";
IOFlags = 7;
LimitsHeight = 1080;
LimitsOriginX = 0;
LimitsOriginY = 0;
LimitsWidth = 1920;
MirrorID = 0;
Mirrored = 0;
Mode = {
BitsPerPixel = 32;
BitsPerSample = 8;
DepthFormat = 4;
Height = 1080;
IODisplayModeID = "-2147479552";
IOFlags = 7;
Mode = 1;
RefreshRate = 0;
SamplesPerPixel = 3;
UsableForDesktopGUI = 1;
Width = 1920;
kCGDisplayBytesPerRow = 7680;
kCGDisplayHorizontalResolution = 103;
kCGDisplayModeIsInterlaced = 0;
kCGDisplayModeIsSafeForHardware = 1;
kCGDisplayModeIsStretched = 0;
kCGDisplayModeIsTelevisionOutput = 0;
kCGDisplayModeIsUnavailable = 0;
kCGDisplayModeSuitableForUI = 1;
kCGDisplayPixelsHigh = 1080;
kCGDisplayPixelsWide = 1920;
kCGDisplayResolution = 1;
kCGDisplayVerticalResolution = 103;
OriginX = 0;
OriginY = 0;
Resolution = 1;
Unit = 0;
UnmirroredHeight = 1080;
UnmirroredLimitsHeight = 1080;
UnmirroredLimitsOriginX = 0;
UnmirroredLimitsOriginY = 0;
UnmirroredLimitsWidth = 1920;
UnmirroredMode = {
BitsPerPixel = 32;
BitsPerSample = 8;
DepthFormat = 4;
Height = 1080;
IODisplayModeID = "-2147479552";
IOFlags = 7;
Mode = 1;
RefreshRate = 0;
SamplesPerPixel = 3;
UsableForDesktopGUI = 1;
Width = 1920;
kCGDisplayBytesPerRow = 7680;
kCGDisplayHorizontalResolution = 103;
kCGDisplayModeIsInterlaced = 0;
kCGDisplayModeIsSafeForHardware = 1;
kCGDisplayModeIsStretched = 0;
kCGDisplayModeIsTelevisionOutput = 0;
kCGDisplayModeIsUnavailable = 0;
kCGDisplayModeSuitableForUI = 1;
kCGDisplayPixelsHigh = 1080;
kCGDisplayPixelsWide = 1920;
kCGDisplayResolution = 1;
kCGDisplayVerticalResolution = 103;
UnmirroredOriginX = 0;
UnmirroredOriginY = 0;
UnmirroredResolution = 1;
UnmirroredWidth = 1920;
Width = 1920;
ForceOldStyleMemoryManagement = 0;
But I want to get this DisplayProductID and DisplayVendorID in MacOS app programmatically (Objective C).
How can I read this plist file in Objective-C?
This file is encrypted, can't get data. Please let me know the way to get DisplayProductID and VendorID programmatically.
and CGDisplayModelNumber()
should return those values. Use CGMainDisplayID()
to get the ID for the main display, or there are other functions to get a list of displays you can filter/iterate over if needed.