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SQL Server Management Studio can't recognize .bak file

I'm trying to restore a db from Microsoft (AdventureWorks2012). However, when I try to restore the .bak file, it seems like SSMS doesn't recognize it and I get an error:

No backup set selected to be restored

I gave full permissions to the folder which contains the .bak file.

Steps I've taken to restore the .bak file:

  • Right click on DB -> Restore DB -> From device (selected the .bak file location) -> To Database (selected the DB destination)

Here is a screenshot:

enter image description here


  • That is the error message that typically coincides with trying to restore a backup from a newer version on an older version. And it looks like you have sql server 10.5 in your screen which is 2008r2. And you are trying to restore AW2012. That will never work. You can't restore a newer version to an older version.