I am stuck on the Arnold's Python command list. For this current exercise, I need to make a light-painter (e.g. https://evermotion.org/articles/show/8837/light-painter-1-0) in Maya.
I need to make it so that the ArnoldRenderView opens up automatically.
I have been searching for this quite a while now.
All I have been able to find is this: "from mtoa.cmds.arnoldRenderView import arnoldRenderView
Where can I find what flags I can use to make the ArnoldRenderView open up (by a button click)?
Or is there a more simple way to open up the ArnoldRenderView without accessing the "mtoa.cmds.arnoldRenderView
With Kind Regards, Rik.
EDIT: I have found two helpfull links with scripting in maya (Python) for arnold: https://arnoldsupport.com/2015/03/04/arnold-getting-started-with-the-arnold-python-api/ and https://trac.solidangle.com/arnoldpedia/chrome/site/Arnold-
I've found the answer to my problem.
# import libraries (Maya Commands Library and mtoa Core Library)
import maya.cmds as cmds
import mtoa.core as core
Like haggi krey said, you'll find the necessary functions in the arnoldmenu.py
#Copy paste both functions from the arnoldmenu.py Script (filepath: "C:\solidangle\mtoadeploy\2018\scripts\mtoa\ui\arnoldmenu.py")
def arnoldOpenMtoARenderView():
cmds.arnoldRenderView(mode ="open")
def arnoldMtoARenderView():
# core.ACTIVE_CAMERA is not set, anything we could do here ?
#if core.ACTIVE_CAMERA != None:
# cmds.arnoldRenderView(cam=core.ACTIVE_CAMERA)
# so instead we're calling it without any argument
#execute both functions
This script opens up the arnoldRenderView in same state as you last closed it.