So I am trying to implement some feature restrictions based on permissions in an app. The feature in question works on a button that is placed at the bottom of the VC in main.storyboard.
There is another button that I want to remain there. They are aligned horizontally, but not in a horizontal stack view. They have an equal-width constraint and together take up the whole vertical space at the bottom.
I want to hide the first one, and thus have the second one take up that entire horizontal space from left to right, but only when the access to the first button is supposed to be restricted. I've tried doing this in viewNeedsRefresh:
let equalWidthConstraint = firstButton.superview?.constraints.filter{
$0.firstItem as? UIButton == firstButton && $0.secondItem as? UIButton == secondButton
equalWidthConstraint?.isActive = false
firstButton.isHidden = true
secondButton.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: firstButton.frame.origin.y, width: self.view.frame.width, height: firstButton.frame.height)
But all this does is hide the first button, while the second button is suddenly partially off-screen. If I try without manually disabling the constraint, I get it looking cleaner but the second button is still in its original position, likely because it still maintains the original width due to the constraint.
It turns out they built a re-usable component for this in the past before I joined, but did not actually use it more than once. I have converted the page to use that component instead. Sorry guys.