I have just updated my Symfony 2.7 page to 2.8. Beside Symfony itself a number of other packages have been updated as well. FOSRestBundle
has been updated from version 1.4 to 2.1.
After the update the CustomExceptionController
I configured for Twig
does not work any more. Error like 404 or 500 show the default exception page instead of my custom page.
This is the configuration:
// app/config/config.yml
exception_controller: app.exception_controller:showAction
// src/MyAppBundle/Resources/config/services.yml
class: MyAppBundle\Controller\CustomExceptionController
arguments: ['@twig', '%kernel.debug%', "@translator.default" ]
// src/MyAppBundle/Controller/CustomExceptionController.php
use Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FlattenException;
class CustomExceptionController extends ExceptionController {
protected $translator;
public function __construct(\Twig_Environment $twig, $debug, Translator $translator) {
parent::__construct($twig, $debug);
$this->translator = $translator;
public function showAction(Request $request, FlattenException $exception, DebugLoggerInterface $logger = null) {
With the help of another thread I was able to figure out, that the problem is caused by a config change I made in accordance with the FOSRestBundle
Update notes:
removed the ability of the AccessDeniedListener to render a response.
Use the FOSRestBundle or the twig exception controller in complement.
access_denied_listener: true
exception: true # Activates the FOSRestBundle exception controller
Following this hint and the Symfony docs, I added fos_rest:exception:enabled: true
to the config.yml
// Before the Update:
json: true
'Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\ResourceNotFoundException': 404
'Doctrine\ORM\OptimisticLockException': HTTP_CONFLICT
'Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\ResourceNotFoundException': true
// After the Update:
json: true
enabled: true # <<< Added this line
'Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\ResourceNotFoundException': 404
'Doctrine\ORM\OptimisticLockException': HTTP_CONFLICT
'Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\ResourceNotFoundException': true
According to the Symfony docs, the option fos_rest:exception:enabled: true
was already necessary in version 1.4 to actually enable the FOS Exception Controller. Thus I am not sure, if the configuration was correct before the update and if the FOS Exception Controller worked as intended.
However, not it is necessary to set fos_rest:exception:enabled: true
to correctly use the access_denied_listener
So the Problem is:
should be able to work properly (fos_rest:exception:enabled: true
has to be set) and my Twig
Exception Controller should still handle exceptions (does not work if fos_rest:exception:enabled: true
is set).
How do I properly set up / use the FOS Exception Controller without interfering with my Twig
Exception Controller?
I think the answer can be found here:
FOSRestBundle defines two services for exception rendering, by default it configures fos_rest.exception.controller which only supports rendering via a serializer. In case no explicit controller is configured by the user and TwigBundle is detected it will automatically configure fos_rest.exception.twig_controller which additionally also supports rendering via Twig.
So you need to extend: FOS\RestBundle\Controller\TwigExceptionController