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Is ADAL for iOS compatible with ADFS version 3.0?

I'm using AzureAD Library for Objective-C ( to connect to ADFS 3.0 on 2012 R2 using the OAuth 2 Authorization Code grant flow.

I'm getting the error:

Domain: ADAuthenticationErrorDomain ProtocolCode:(null) 
Details:The argument 'user principal name' is invalid. 
Inner error details: Error Domain=ADAuthenticationErrorDomain Code=100 "(null)"

We have an android app that is connecting successfully, so I don't think this is the real error.

I'm using v2.6.3 of the library on iOS 11.3, both on an iPhone 6 and on the simulator with the same results.

I'm reproduced the issue using the SampleSwiftApp included with the repo, with no code changes apart from the configuration.

  • Is v2.6.3 compatible with ADFS v3.0 on 2012 R2?
  • Can I get it to work with a configuration change?


  • ADFS v3.0 doesn't support authority validation, so I updated the authentication context constructor from:

    let authContext = ADAuthenticationContext(authority: AdalAuthority,
                                              error: nil)


    let authContext = ADAuthenticationContext(authority: AdalAuthority,
                                              validateAuthority: false,
                                              error: nil)

    to get it to work.