I have a hex string like \xfc80000000000000ea508bfff217b628
in bytea format and I want to convert it into fc80:0000:0000:0000:ea50:8bff:f217:b628
in select query, I tried:
select '0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0'::inet + encode(ip::bytea,'hex') from a;
but following error is coming
ERROR: operator does not exist: inet + text
LINE 1: select '0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0'::inet + encode(stationipv6::bytea,'...
HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts.
works with bytea
values and you can use that to extract the individual parts of the bytes to convert it to an inet
select concat_ws(':',
encode(substring(stationipv6, 1, 2), 'hex'),
encode(substring(stationipv6, 3, 2), 'hex'),
encode(substring(stationipv6, 5, 2), 'hex'),
encode(substring(stationipv6, 7, 2), 'hex'),
encode(substring(stationipv6, 9, 2), 'hex'),
encode(substring(stationipv6, 11, 2), 'hex'),
encode(substring(stationipv6, 13, 2), 'hex'),
encode(substring(stationipv6, 15, 2), 'hex')
from your_table
works on bytea