I started to work on a command line chess for python. I have managed to create a table like so:
def setup_grid():
grid = [[' ' for i in range(gridsize)] for i in range(gridsize)] # Creates a grid of 0 of the size set by user
# Displaying the grid to the user
def show_grid(grid):
gridsize = len(grid)
horizontal = ' '+4*gridsize*'-'+'-' # This prints the horizontal borders of the grid
toplabel = ' ' #
for i in string.ascii_lowercase[:gridsize]: # This creates the letters according
toplabel = toplabel+i+' ' # to how big the grid is. This prints the top letters
print '\n'+toplabel+'\n'+horizontal #
for idx,i in enumerate(grid): #
row = '{0:2} |'.format(idx+1) #
for j in i: # This creates the numbers
row = row+' '+j+' |' # for the left side of the grid
print row+'\n'+horizontal #
print '' #
def play_game():
gridsize = 8
currgrid = [[' ' for i in range(gridsize)] for i in range(gridsize)]
grid = []
Now I am trying to be able to define pieces like wq
for the white queen.
The way the player will choose which piece to move is by choosing co-ordinates on the grid and moving the piece y inputting new co-ordinates. What I do not know is how to make sure the pieces move as required. I don not know how I would validate their movement.
Move validation is somewhat complex, however, below is a possibility for how to validate the moves of the queen. First, you may want to move your game layout to a class for simpler board and piece access. Then, create a method to move a piece. The method can be wrapped by a decorator that will validate the coordinates passed to the method:
def validate_move(f):
def wrapper(cls, name, x, y):
methods = {'q':cls.__class__.queen_moves} #build dictionary of move accumulators
full_moves = list(methods[name[:-1]](getattr(cls, 'board'), color = name[-1]))
if [x, y] not in full_moves:
print("invalid move")
f(cls, x, y)
return wrapper
class Chess:
pieces = [['r', 'kn', 'b', 'k', 'q', 'b', 'kn', 'r'], ['p']*8]
def __init__(self):
self.board = [[i+'b' for i in b] for b in Chess.pieces]+([['-']*8]*8)+[[i+'w' for i in b] for b in Chess.pieces]
def move_piece(_name, x, y):
a1, b1 = [(i, b) for i in range(8) for b in range(8) if self.board[i][b] == _name]
self.board[x][y] = _name
self.board[a1][b1] = '-'
def queen_moves(board, color = 'w'):
c1, c2 = [(i, b) for i in range(8) for b in range(8) if board[i][b] == 'q'+color]
_c2, _c1 = c2, c1
while c2 < 8: #check vertically
c2 += 1
if board[c1][c2] != '-':
c2 = _c2
yield [c1, c2]
while c2 >= 0: #check vertically
c2 -= 1
if board[c1][c2] != '-':
c2 = _c2
yield [c1, c2]
while c1 < 8: #check horizontally
c1 += 1
if board[c1][c2] != '-':
c1 = _c1
yield [c1, c2]
while c1 >= 0: #check horizontally
c1 -= 1
if board[c1][c2] != '-':
c1 = _c1
yield [c1, c2]
Thus, there are two things left for you to do:
Create a full listing of staticmethod
s to get the full moves of all pieces on the board.
build up methods
dictionary in wrapper
to store the move finder function objects.