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How to initialize Kony Fabric client

I am new to the platform and having problems in initializing Kony Fabric client and using the integration services. Is there any link or reference?


  • You can refer the documentation where it has been mentioned very nicely. To manually initialize the kony fabric client:

    //Sample code to initialize Kony Fabric Client
    var appkey = <your-app-key>
    var appsecret = <your-app-secret>
    var serviceURL = <your-service-url>
    var client = new kony.sdk();
    client.init(appkey, appsecret, serviceURL, function(response) {
        kony.print("Init success");
    }, function(error) {
        kony.print("Init Failure");

    You can use client to use the servcies. However manual intialization is not recommended. You should always should always use initWithServiceDoc See the link for more information: