Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Platform java.lang.Class annotated [] requires explicit JsonAdapter to be registered
I get the above error when using a RealmList with Moshi.
public class MenuModel implements RealmModel
@Json(name = "menugroups")
private RealmList<MenuGroupModel> menugroups = null;
I have researched this a bit and found the following:
The solution there says I need to use a RealmListAdapter. I have copied the code to my project. I, however, have no idea how and where to implement this adapter.
How do I use it?
Go here: Regalia Moshi
Copy both RealmListAdapter and RealmListAdapterJsonFactory to your project (or use the linked project). Add the adapter to your moshi like this:
Moshi moshi = new Moshi.Builder()
.add(new RealmListJsonAdapterFactory())
Further usage, if you're using Retrofit:
Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()