I have the following section of code that I need to use about 5 times throughout the whole program, but with different lines of code in place of the comment.
while (loop_day < (day+1)) {
while (loop_size < (size+1)) {
//new lines here
size = size + 1;
loop_day = loop_day + 1;
I could copy and paste this multiple times, but I really would rather not, for aesthetic reasons. I tried searching for "functions that could take in statements as arguments", but found nothing appropriate.
Edit: I want to "embed" various statements into the code.
An example:
while (loop_day < (day+1)) {
while (loop_size < (size+1)) {
// code that stores various values into an array
size = size + 1;
loop_day = loop_day + 1;
while (loop_day < (day+1)) {
while (loop_size < (size+1)) {
// code that reads values stored in that array
size = size + 1;
loop_day = loop_day + 1;
But I want something like this:
custom_loop {
// code that stores various values into an array
custom_loop {
// code that reads values stored in that array
You can think of callback functions. For example,
typedef void (*t_func)(int, int);
void doLoopOverDaysAndSize(t_func callback)
while (loop_day < (day+1)) {
while (loop_size < (size+1)) {
callback(loop_day, loop_size)
size = size + 1;
loop_day = loop_day + 1;
Then you can pass some function like this
void myDaySizeHandler(int day, int size)
// do something