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Sed REMOVE / REPLACE double parentheses

I have a python file, which has lots of double parentheses like this, which i would like to replace with single parenthesis. Sometimes the print goes on for 2 lines or more.

print(('>>   # some text some text some text and ' 
+ 'some more text'))
print(('>>   # some text some text some text and ' 
+ 'some more text'))

print(('>>   # some text some text some text and ' 
+ 'some more text'))

print(('>>   # some text some text some text and ' 
+ 'some more text'))






I have tried a lot different ways to approach this. I think the easiest would be with sed. I have something like this:

grep -rl 'print((' test.txt | xargs sed -i "N;s/print((\(.*\)))/print(\1)/g"

The output looks like this:

print('>>   # some text some text some text and ' 
+ 'some more text')
print('>>   # some text some text some text and ' 
+ 'some more text')

print(('>>   # some text some text some text and ' 
+ 'some more text'))

print(('>>   # some text some text some text and ' 
+ 'some more text'))






Now with some lines it works but with some it doesn't, i think it is because of the N; but i need this in case it is multiple lines long..

What could i do to improve this pattern?


  • to avoid issues due to input file names, use grep -rlZ 'regex' | xargs -0 <command ...>

    if content within parenthesis doesn't have )), then you can use this

    grep -rlZ 'print((' | xargs -0 perl -i -0777 -pe 's/print\(\((.*?)\)\)/print($1)/sg'
    • -0777 to slurp entire file content as a single string, so this solution not fit for large files that cannot fit memory requirements
    • .*? is non-greedy matching
    • s modifier allows to match \n as well for .

    When using -i option, you can specify a backup suffix (ex: -i.bkp) or prefix (ex: -i'bkp.*') or even a backup directory (ex: -i'bkp_dir/*') - these help in preserving the original copy for further use