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How to extract multiple values with a regular expression in Jmeter

I am running tests with jmeter and I need to extract with a Regular Expression:


in the following String:



  • Use super secret operator (Negative match N)enter image description here

    UPD: G2 - is in my example, as I extract two groups from each encounter. each encounter is "uuid" in g1 and g2 is second part I need second part here. that's why $2$ template and g2. If your encounters in one group you ll most likely use $1$ template that will place all encounters into g1. If you have one match group you don't actually need _gN ending at all. To understand more the variables after group extraction add a "Debug PostProcessor" and inspect output in TreeView.

    It nice two know that control elements like "For each" understand groups and can work with prefix like regexUUID_ and walk through. In most cases it's next you do after extraction.

    UPD2. primitive version of regexp in question (insertar\?sIws2kyXGJJA_\d*)==([^[]*) with template $1$$2$ you ll have the first parts in g1 group and the second parts in g2