Below is my code. I have done the validation in addEmployee.vue file and written the validation inside the script part of the addEmploee.vue file. But I would like to put those validation in the common.js file and want to access the validation in other vue files too(throughout project) e.g:I want to access the same validation in addClient.vue file too.
<h4 slot="header" class="card-title">Employee</h4>
<b-col sm="3">
<label for="name">First Name </label>
<input type="text" id="" class="form-control" placeholder="Enter your name" v-validate="'required|Name'" name="Firstname">
<span v-show="errors.has('Firstname')" class="is-danger">{{ errors.first('Firstname') }}</span>
<b-col sm="3">
<label for="name">Middle Name </label>
<b-form-input type="text" id="" placeholder="Enter your name"></b-form-input>
<b-col sm="3">
<label for="name">Last Name </label>
<input type="text" id="" class="form-control" placeholder="Enter your middle name" v-validate="'required|Name'" name="Lastname">
<span v-show="errors.has('Lastname')" class="help is-danger">{{ errors.first('Lastname') }}</span>
<b-col sm="3">
<label for="name">D.O.B</label>
<input type="text" id="" class="form-control" placeholder="Date of birth" v-validate="'required|Number'" name="dob">
<span v-show="errors.has('dob')" class="help is-danger">{{ errors.first('dob') }}</span>
<b-col sm="3">
<label for="name">Contact</label>
<input type="text" id="" class="form-control" placeholder="Contact number" v-validate="'required|Number'" name="phNo#">
<span v-show="errors.has('phNo#')" class="help is-danger">{{ errors.first('phNo#') }}</span>
<b-col sm="3">
<label for="name">Email</label>
<b-form-input type="text" id="name" placeholder="Email-Id"></b-form-input>
<input type="submit" value="Submit" @click="validateForm">
export default {
name: 'addEmpl',
created: function() {
this.$validator.extend('Name', {
getMessage: field => '* Enter valid ' + field + '',
validate: value => /^[a-zA-Z]*$/.test(value)
this.$validator.extend('Number', {
getMessage: field => '* Enter valid ' + field + '',
validate: value => /^[0-9]{10}$/.test(value)
methods: {
validateForm() {
this.$validator.validateAll().then((result) => {
alert('not submitted')
}).catch(() => {
// error check if needed
<style lang="scss" scoped>
color: RED;
You can create a Validation class
as other file. Then at your application boot (lets imagine its app.js) you can call constructor to spreading validation through all components.
Example code to clarify;