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django formset as columns

Im using below html for the django formsets. The javascript is working fine, but I want to display the form in column format. Tried various snippets but was not able to use the javascript on them

below is the HTML code

 div class='col-sm-6 col-sm-offset-3'>
  <h1> Enter scheme of entries</h1>
    <form action='' method='POST'>
    {% csrf_token %}
     <div class='btn-group'>
       <input class='btn btn-primary' type='submit' value='Save' /> 
       <a class='btn btn-default' href='/'>Cancel</a>
       <a class='btn btn-link add-new-form' href='#'>+ Add new Entry</a>
{{ formset.management_form }}
    {% for form in formset %}
    <div class='form-row'>
        {{ form.as_p }}
    {% endfor %}
<div class='form-row' id='empty-row'>
        {{ formset.empty_form.as_p }}

    <div class='btn-group'>
        <input class='btn btn-primary' type='submit' value='Save' /> 
        <a class='btn btn-default' href='/'>Cancel</a>
        <a class='btn btn-link add-new-form' href='#'>+ Add new form</a>

The above html would display form in row format
+Field-1 ---------
+Field-2 -- and so on

How can i show the same fields in column format

Field-1 Field-2
--- ---
Save/Add Form

JavaScript for the same is

    {% block jquery %}
function updateEmptyFormIDs(element, totalForms){
var thisInput = element
// get current form input name
var currentName = element.attr('name')
// replace "prefix" with actual number
var newName = currentName.replace(/__prefix__/g, totalForms)
// console.log(newName)

// update input with new name
thisInput.attr('name', newName)
thisInput.attr('id', "id_" + newName)
// create a new form row id
var newFormRow = element.closest(".form-row");
var newRowId =  "row_id_" + newName
newFormRow.attr("id", newRowId)
// add new class for basic graphic animation
// update form group id
var parentDiv = element.parent();
parentDiv.attr("id", "parent_id_" + newName)
// update label id
var inputLabel = parentDiv.find("label")
inputLabel.attr("for", "id_" + newName)

// return created row
return newFormRow
$('.add-new-form').click(function(e) {
// form id like #id_form-TOTAL_FORMS
var formId = "id_form-TOTAL_FORMS"
// copy empty form
var emptyRow = $("#empty-row").clone();
// remove id from new form
emptyRow.attr("id", null)
// Insert row after last row

// get starting form count for formset
var totalForms = parseInt($('#' + formId).val());

// create new form row from empty form row
var newFormRow;
emptyRow.find("input, select, textarea").each(function(){
    newFormRow = updateEmptyFormIDs($(this), totalForms)
// insert new form at the end of the last form row
// update total form count (to include new row)
$('#'+ formId).val(totalForms + 1);
// scroll page to new row
$('html, body').animate({
    scrollTop: newFormRow.offset().top - 100
}, 500, function(){
    // animate background color
    // requires: jQuery Color:
        backgroundColor: "#fff"
    }, 1500)
{% endblock %}


  • you can iterate your form, not using form.as_p

    like this

    {% for field in form %}
    {{ field }}
    {% endfor %}

    then you can add div or anything you want to using field.

    Also you can use field.errors and so on with django form. Please check here for more information.

    +I prefer using html itself just matching input name field with django form. Then you can make your own template without using {{ form }}