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How to set up project with docker and

I cloned this repo and am trying to get it up and running but think I am missing a step.

I run npm install inside the folder, and I have also installed docker on my mac. Then I run docker-compose up and it starts up. When I go to localhost nothing happens?

I don't think I fully understand what's going on here...


deepstream_1    |       _                     _                              _
deepstream_1    |    __| | ___  ___ _ __  ___| |_ _ __ ___  __ _ _ __ ___   (_) ___
deepstream_1    |   / _` |/ _ \/ _ \ '_ \/ __| __| '__/ _ \/ _` | '_ ` _ \  | |/ _ \
deepstream_1    |  | (_| |  __/  __/ |_) \__ \ |_| | |  __/ (_| | | | | | |_| | (_) |
deepstream_1    |   \__,_|\___|\___| .__/|___/\__|_|  \___|\__,_|_| |_| |_(_)_|\___/
deepstream_1    |                  |_|
deepstream_1    |  =========================   starting   ==========================
deepstream_1    | INFO | logger ready
deepstream_1    | INFO | deepstream version: 2.1.2
deepstream_1    | INFO | configuration file loaded from /etc/deepstream/config.yml
deepstream_1    | INFO | library directory set to: /var/lib/deepstream
deepstream_1    | INFO | messageConnector ready
deepstream_1    | INFO | storage ready
deepstream_1    | INFO | cache ready
deepstream_1    | INFO | authenticationHandler ready: file using /etc/deepstream/users.yml
deepstream_1    | INFO | permissionHandler ready: valve permissions loaded from /etc/deepstream/permissions.yml
deepstream_1    | INFO | Listening for health checks on path /health-check
deepstream_1    | CLUSTER_JOIN | jgx4b6kz-1y8u6be9n0744
deepstream_1    | INFO | Listening for websocket connections on
deepstream_1    | INFO | Deepstream started
deepstream_1    | INCOMING_CONNECTION | from undefined (
deepstream_1    | AUTH_ATTEMPT | AREQ{"username":"backend","password":"password"}
deepstream_1    | AUTH_SUCCESSFUL | backend
gameprovider_1  | LOGIN true { username: 'backend', role: 'backend' }
deepstream_1    | S | for P:get-game-types by backend
deepstream_1    | S | for P:create-game by backend
deepstream_1    | S | for P:join-game by backend
deepstream_1    | S | for P:leave-game by backend
deepstream_1    | S | for P:turn by backend


  • The game demo is working, but the creators should add a few lines of friendly manual. However, don't worry, I'll cover it for you here.

    1. After running docker-compose up open up your browser at http://localhost:8088/
    2. Enter Username: userA Password: password
    3. Create a new game and note the GameID
    4. Open up another browser tab at http://localhost:8088/
    5. Enter Username: userB Password: password
    6. Join the game by previously noted GameID and you can start playing already.

    The game supports up to 4 users and in authors' defense, they created a youtube video, but forgot to provide some useful instructions, like what the password is.