I've got a small script to colorize the state of a git repo in the current directory:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# setup escape codes based on out output format
# return an evil star if git repo is dirty
git_dirty() {
ERROR="${RD}✘ "
git diff-files --no-ext-diff --quiet
if [[ $? -gt 0 ]]; then
echo -ne "$ERROR"
return 0
git diff-index --no-ext-diff --quiet --cached HEAD
if [[ $? -gt 0 ]]; then
echo -ne "$ERROR"
return 0
echo -ne "${GN}✓ "
# format current git branch
BRANCH=$(git symbolic-ref -q HEAD 2> /dev/null | sed -e 's|^refs/heads/||')
if [[ -z "${BRANCH// }" ]]; then
echo -ne ""
echo -ne "${LG}[${BL}$BRANCH`git_dirty`${LG}]"
Which works great when I use it in my prompt in bash:
export PS1="$LG\n[\!] -${LG}bash${LG}- $LG\u$DG@$RD\h $GN\w \$(git_branch)\n$LG └─► $RES"
But when I use it in my prompt in csh:
set prompt = "${LG}\n\[%!\] -${RD}csh${LG}- ${LG}%n${DG}@${RD}%m ${GN}%~ `git_branch`\n${LG} └─► ${RES}"
It prints ^[[0;37m[^[[0;34mmaster^[[0;31m✘ ^[[0;37m]
rather than the colorized branch name and status. Though
echo `git_branch`
Works as expected. How can I make csh/tcsh interpret the escape sequences correctly?
According to https://www.cs.umd.edu/~srhuang/teaching/code_snippets/prompt_color.tcsh.html you should put escape sequences inside %{ }
in csh
set red="%{\033[1;31m%}"
set green="%{\033[0;32m%}"
set yellow="%{\033[1;33m%}"
set blue="%{\033[1;34m%}"
set magenta="%{\033[1;35m%}"
set cyan="%{\033[1;36m%}"
set white="%{\033[0;37m%}"
set end="%{\033[0m%}" # This is needed at the end... :(
set prompt = "${white}\n\[%!\] -${red}csh${white}- ${white}%n${DG}@${red}%m ${green}%~ `git_branch`\n${white} └─► ${RES}${end}"
If you want the GIT branch to update, you need to put the prompt setting in the precmd
alias, which is evaluated before each command:
alias precmd 'set prompt = "${white}\n\[%!\] -${red}csh${white}- ${white}%n${DG}@${red}%m ${green}%~ `git_branch`\n${white} └─► ${RES}${end}"'