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How to make a request to get minimum data from server?

I want to make a HTTP request, so that I get minimum data from the server. For eg : If the user device is a mobile, the server will send less data.

I was doing this in python ::

req = urllib2.Request(__url, headers={'User-Agent' : "Magic Browser"})
html = urllib2.urlopen(req).read()

But it still takes some time to download all this. If it helps this is the domain from which I want to download pages :

Is there any other way so that I can download a page, quickly with minimum data? Is it even possible?


  • you can use request for upload files get datas example for get cookies:

    import requests
    r = requests.get('')
    print r.cookies.get_dict()

    or for upload file:

    import requests
    file = {'file':('filename.txt', open('filename.txt', 'r'), multipart/from-data)}
    data = {
          "ButtonValueNameInHtml" : "Submit",
    r ='', files=file, data=data)

    replace by your own url

    you can do many Thigs With requests