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OWL Class Expression Syntax Minimum and Maximum Cardinality for Object Properties

I am currently trying to model an ontology in Protégé. In the documentation I can find all kind of class expressions but is there a way of defining a minimum cardinality AND a maximum cardinality at the same time?

If this is not possible, could you tell my why this is the case?


  • If you want to create two cardinalities on different relations, there is no problem :

    (Owner owns min 2 Cats) and (Owner owns max 3 Dogs)

    And it is also possible for only one relation :

    (Owner owns min 2 Cats) and (Owner owns max 3 Cats)

    Just be sure that the values are logic ( min < max )and be careful about Inclusive and Exclusive conditions on Cardinalities.

    This can be done in the "Class Expression Editor".