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Non-positive occurrence due to polymorphic function

I am trying to define a data type with a constructor that takes a list, and include propositions about this list.

This works fine:

Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Import ListNotations.

Inductive Foo :=  MkFoo : list Foo -> Foo.

And so does this:

Inductive Foo :=  MkFoo : forall (l : list Foo), Foo.

But this fails

Inductive Foo :=  MkFoo : forall (l : list Foo), l <> [] -> Foo.


Non strictly positive occurrence of "Foo"
in "forall l : list Foo, l <> [] -> Foo".

I assume that this is because [] is actually @nil Foo and Coq does not like this occurrence of Foo.

I am currently working my way around it using vector, like so

Require Import Coq.Vectors.Vector.

Inductive Foo :=  MkFoo : forall n (l : Vector.t Foo n), n <> 0 -> Foo.

but the complications that arise due to the use of dependent data structures in Coq make me wonder:

Is there a way I can use plain lists in MkFoo and still include propositions about that list?


  • I think there isn't a way of including that constraint directly in the definition, unfortunately. I see two paths forward:

    1. Change the definition of mkFoo so that it takes the head of the list as an additional argument:

      mkFoo : Foo -> list Foo -> Foo
    2. Define Foo without any restrictions, and define a separate well-formedness predicate:

      Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
      Inductive Foo := mkFoo : list Foo -> Foo.
      Definition isEmpty {T : Type} (x : list T) :=
        match x with
        | nil => true
        | _   => false
      Fixpoint wfFoo (x : Foo) : Foo :=
        match x with
        | mkFoo xs => negb (isEmpty xs) && forallb wfFoo xs

      You can then show that all the functions on Foo that you care about respect wfFoo. It is also possible to use subset types to pack members of Foo with proofs of wfFoo, guaranteeing that clients of Foo never have to touch ill-formed elements. Since wfFoo is defined as a boolean property, the equation wfFoo x = true is proof-irrelevant, which guarantees that the type { x : Foo | wfFoo x = true } is well-behaved. The Mathematical Components library provides good support for this kind of construction.