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Query to find the city name with longest and shortest length

I've written a query to return me the cities with the shortest and longest length strings in a MS SQL SERVER database.

Select city, len(city) as l 
From Station Where len(city) in 
((select max(len(city)) from station)
(select min(len(city)) from station)) 
Order by l,city;

My difficulty is that I get duplicates, because I have a few cities that have the longest and shortest length. Also when I try to ORDER BY CITY in both sub queries it fails.

Any advice?


  • Another way:

    select * from (
             select top 1 city, LEN(city) cityLength from station order by cityLength ASC,city ASC) Minimum
           select * from (
           select top 1 city, LEN(city) cityLength from station order by cityLength desc, city ASC) Maximum