When I'm yanking few lines and pasting it to command-line every new line is ^M
instead \r
. For example if I copy next two lines in visual mode (with command Vjy
and paste it in command-line (search) mode with command /<c-r>"
I get:
But I expected: /line1\rline2
What i want to do is to highlight pasted string what is helpful when I'm pasting block of code. I know i can select it with
but i want to only highlight it, and anyway it can by useful to by able to paste multiline code into ex for substitute or other funny things.
Copying the next paragraph in visual mode:
and pasting it in command-line (with <c-r>"
) should give line1^Mline2^Mline3^M
. If you want this text to be line1\rline2\rline3\r
you could define the following function and map:
function! Substitute()
silent! let g:p=substitute(@", "\\n", "\\\\r", "g")
call feedkeys(":", 'n')
nnoremap <silent> : :call Substitute()<cr>
The command let g:p=substitute(@", "\\n", "\\\\r", "g")
will find every ^M
in the unnamed register (:help quotequote
), replace it with \r
, and store output string in p
. To paste the contents of p
in command-line use <c-r>=p