Search code examples

Not able to enter text in a edit field inside a modal/dialog using Teststack/White

I am trying to enter text in a edit field in a modal window. I get an error "Failed to get (ControlType=edit or ControlType=document),AutomationId=1118,ClassName=Edit"

The following is my code.

var window = app.GetWindow("Toolkit Version"); Window AuthWindow = null; AuthWindow = window.ModalWindow("Please Authenticate"); TextBox userNameField = AuthWindow.Get<TextBox>(SearchCriteria.ByClassName("Edit").AndAutomationId("1118")); userNameField.Text = "Administrator"; From Inspect


Error details - TestStack.White.AutomationException: 'Failed to get (ControlType=edit or ControlType=document),AutomationId=1118,ClassName=Edit'

Any suggestions or workarounds? Thanks!


  • Off the top of my head:

    1. Perhaps your SearchCriteria are too restrictive? Try:

      TextBox userNameField = AuthWindow.Get<TextBox>(SearchCriteria.ByAutomationId("1118"));

      or even

      TextBox userNameField = AuthWindow.Get(SearchCriteria.ByAutomationId("1118")) as TextBox;
    2. It might not be very elegant, but it looks like your window is small and has few controls. Why not picking them this way?

      TextBox userNameField = AuthWindow.GetMultiple(SearchCriteria.ByControlType(System.Windows.Automation.ControlType.Edit)[0]

    I supposed your textbox is at position 0 but of course you can change that.