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Testing suspend corotuine

I am trying to use coroutines to handle asynchronous code for my login service. Unfortunately, the implementation of the login service must accept callbacks when it completes. I do not want this login() function to complete until one of these callbacks occurs.

Here is what I have:

fun login(): Outcome = runBlocking {
    suspendCoroutine<Outcome> { continuation ->
                onLoginSuccess = {
                    // do some stuff
                onLoginFailure = {
                    // handle failure case

My issue is my tests never complete. I think what is happening is that the continuation block itself isn't running. I tried wrapping the call to uut.login() in a runBlocking as well, but it didn't help. Here is my test code (using Spek):

describe("when login") {

    val successCaptor: ArgumentCaptor<() -> Unit> = TestHelpers.argumentCaptorForClass()
    val failureCaptor: ArgumentCaptor<() -> Unit> = TestHelpers.argumentCaptorForClass()

    var result: Outcome? = null

    beforeEachTest {
        doNothing().whenever(mockLoginService)?.login(capture(successCaptor), capture(failureCaptor))
        result = uut?.execute()

    it("logs in with the login service") {
        verify(mockLoginService)?.login(any(), any())

    describe("and the login succeeds") {

        beforeEachTest {

        // other tests...

        it("returns an outcome of SUCCESS") {

    describe("and the login fails") {
        beforeEachTest {

        // other tests...

        it("returns an outcome of FAILURE") {

Basically, I'd like to assert that the login() method returned either a SUCCESS or FAILURE outcome based on what occurred.

Any ideas?


  • Of course, I figured this out right after posting. If interested, here is what I did in the test:

    describe("when login") {
        val successCaptor: ArgumentCaptor<() -> Unit> = TestHelpers.argumentCaptorForClass()
        val failureCaptor: ArgumentCaptor<() -> Unit> = TestHelpers.argumentCaptorForClass()
        var result: Outcome? = null
        describe("and the login succeeds") {
            beforeEachTest {
                whenever(mockLoginService?.login(capture(successCaptor), capture(failureCaptor))).thenAnswer {
                result = uut?.execute()
            it("logs in with the login service") {
                verify(mockLoginService)?.login(any(), any())
            it("returns an outcome of SUCCESS") {
        describe("and the login fails") {
            beforeEachTest {
                whenever(mockLoginService?.login(capture(successCaptor), capture(failureCaptor))).thenAnswer {
                result = uut?.execute()
            it("logs in with the login service") {
                verify(mockLoginService)?.login(any(), any())
            // other tests
            it("returns an outcome of FAILURE") {