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How does Locbaml work?

I created a WPF test project, single Window with a single button in it. I then unloaded the project and modified the csproj to contain the following <UICulture>en-US</UICulture>. After rebuilding the build folder now contains a subfolder named en-US and it contains a file called WpfLocalizationTest.resources.dll. All clear so far.

Then I downloaded the source code for Locbaml and built it. (Couldn't find a binary download anywhere, go figure.)

Then I copied the Locbaml.exe to the en-US folder and tried the following.

locbaml /parse WpfLocalizationTest.resources.dll /out:test.csv

This results in an error 'Could not load file or assembly WpfLocalizationTest.resources.dll or one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format.'

In the obj\x86\Debug folder there's a file called WpfLocalizationTest.g.en-US.resources. I tried running locbaml on that, but the result was the same.

How is locbaml supposed to be used? MSDN is full of cockamamie samples, none of which work. Is locbaml really how Microsoft intends WPF apps to be localized? Or have they come up with proper tools for the job?


  • As I continue to search I found another link here on Stackoverflow. The compile errors we were originally receiving were related to an outdated LocBaml project not being set for .Net4.0. This is why I was unable to generate teh CSV from the DLL and had to go straight at the resource file. Follow this link for more details. Locbaml localization of .net wpf4 application

    This link provides a link to .net 4 binaries which once compilied allow you to go straight at the dll to generate the CSV using LocBaml.