Search code examples

httparty NoMethodError: undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass

I use Ruby 2.5.0, httparty gem My model

class FeedEntry
  include Mongoid::Document
  include Mongoid::Timestamps

  field :guid, type: String
  field :url, type: String
  field :share_count, type: Integer, default: 2

  before_update :share_info

  def share_info
    checked_url = self.url
    json_stats = HTTParty.get("{checked_url}&apikey=#{Rails.application.credentials.socialshared_api_key}", timeout: 180, open_timeout: 1200)
    self.share_count = json_stats['Facebook']['share_count']

And when I try to parse i have this error

NoMethodError: undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass

/Users/ipatov/rails_projects/apps/tm/app/models/feed_entry.rb:71:in `share_info'

71 line self.share_count = json_stats['Facebook']['share_count']


  • This is one of most common errors regarding what Rollbar says

    The problem must be than json_stats['Facebook'] is nil, so accessing to ['share_count'] produces an error. I recommend you to use dig to prevent this undesired error and decide what to do when json_stats['Facebook'] is nil.

        self.share_count = json_stats.dig('Facebook', 'share_count')