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How to set auxiliary command on ONVIF protocol?

I have a trouble with ONVIF protocol.

I am making the camera controller on the ONVIF protocol using the C#. and I can find some ONVIF protocol doc. but that doc has no how to configure auxiliary command.

The one of the doc is

The next one of the doc is

And I have a sad article has a comment that "As result, from the VMS' GUI it is not possible to activate the Wiper, to run the Washing procedure, or to switch the camera to Night Mode.".

So, Really can not External program set the auxiliary command???


  • I'm not sure if this will help, but here's a piece of code using the ptz module of the ONVIF protocol...

    You're supposed to be able to get a list of possible AUX command throught the GetNode function of the ptz ver20 .wsdl

    You should then be able to use the SendAuxiliaryCommand form the same .wsdl

    I hope this helps!