Search code examples

How come data is fetched with['']?

I just started learning Angular, and I saw this piece of code:

export class ProductListComponent implements OnInit {

  private Products: Product[];

  constructor(private _activatedRoute: ActivatedRoute) 

  ngOnInit() {
    this.Products =['Products'];


And it's obvious someone is getting data using this code:['Products'];

How come services are not used to get data? And I'm wondering where this data are coming from then?


  •['Products']; this code is not getting the data from the database and you got confused by that.

    It is the data that you sent while navigationg through routes

    During a navigation, after redirects have been applied, the router creates a RouterStateSnapshot

    So what is a RouteStateSnapshot:

    Official Definition:

    Contains the information about a route associated with a component loaded in an outlet at a particular moment in time. ActivatedRouteSnapshot can also be used to traverse the router state tree.

    Little more explanation:

    RouteStateSnapshot is an immutable data structure representing the state of the router at a particular moment in time. Any time a component is added or removed or parameter is updated, a new snapshot is created.

    Here is the actual code of that snapshot

    interface RouterStateSnapshot {
      root: ActivatedRouteSnapshot;
    interface ActivatedRouteSnapshot {
      url: UrlSegment[];
      params: {[name:string]:string};
      data: {[name:string]:any};
      queryParams: {[name:string]:string};
      fragment: string;
      root: ActivatedRouteSnapshot;
      parent: ActivatedRouteSnapshot;
      firstchild: ActivatedRouteSnapshot;
      children: ActivatedRouteSnapshot[];

    It contains the details of URL, component, data, params etc

    Let us look into an example and route configuration:

        path: ':folder',
        children: [
            path: '',
            component: ConversationsCmp
            path: ':id',
            component: ConversationCmp,
            children: [
                path: 'messages',
                component: MessagesCmp
                path: 'messages/:id',
                component: MessageCmp,
                resolve: {
                  message: MessageResolver

    When we are navigating to /inbox/10/messages/11, the router will look at the URL and will construct the following RouterStateSnapshot:

    component: MessageCmp
    url: [‘messages’, ‘11’]
    params: {id: ’10‘}
    data: {}

    So, the product data you are thinking may come from this route data

    This is the refered documentation

    Here is the documentation