I would like to log conversation (especially intents) from a Rasa bot. There is a perfect feature for that when Rasa NLU is run as an http server, but I can't seem to find anything similar when running in command-line mode. Is there a way to do that ? If, not, would there be a way to implement that ?
In the Rasa Core architecture a class called Tracker contains the history of the current conversation.
I imagine you may implement your log by calling its as_dialogue
Looking at the docs, the output of this serialization seems to be exactly like the items in the logs produced by the server:
"py/object": "rasa_core.events.UserUttered",
"entities": [],
"intent": {
"name": "greet",
"confidence": 1.0
"text": "/greet"
"py/object": "rasa_core.events.ActionExecuted",
"action_name": "utter_greet",
"unpredictable": false