I'm using ESRI iOS SDK 10.2.5,my app was built using swift 2.3 and i have converted it to 3.2 now,everythng works fine.
but there's a little problem in displaying the markers in feature layer which used to work correctly in swift 2.3
the method signature have slightly changed after migration .
here's the method signature for 2.3 (works fine):
func featureLayer(featureLayer: AGSFeatureLayer!, operation op: NSOperation!, didQueryFeaturesWithFeatureSet featureSet: AGSFeatureSet!) {
if (featureLayer == self.featureLayer) {
// featureset has more than 1 element
for poi in featureSet.features {
var attr = [String: AnyObject]()
attr["NAME"] = poi.allAttributes()[LanguageController.localizedString("poi_detail_name")] as? String;
attr["DETAIL"] = poi.allAttributes()["PHONE_NUMBER"] as? String;
attr["CATEGORY_EN"] = poi.allAttributes()["FACILITY_CAT_EN"] as? String;
attr["IS_OFFICE"] = false;
attr["IS_HDKP"] = false
let graphic = AGSGraphic(
geometry: poi.geometry,
symbol: getSymbolForGraphic(poi as! AGSGraphic),
attributes: attr)
method signature for swift 3.2 :
func featureLayer(_ featureLayer: AGSFeatureLayer!, operation op: Operation!, didQueryFeaturesWith featureSet: AGSFeatureSet!) {
if (featureLayer == self.featureLayer) {
// problem here,featureset.feature has 0 elements
for poi in featureSet.features {
var attr = [String: Any]()
attr["NAME"] = (poi as AnyObject).allAttributes()[LanguageController.localizedString("poi_detail_name")] as? String;
attr["DETAIL"] = (poi as AnyObject).allAttributes()["PHONE_NUMBER"] as? String;
attr["CATEGORY_EN"] = (poi as AnyObject).allAttributes()["FACILITY_CAT_EN"] as? String;
attr["IS_OFFICE"] = false as Any
attr["IS_HDKP"] = false as Any
let graphic = AGSGraphic(
geometry: (poi as AnyObject).geometry,
symbol: getSymbolForGraphic(poi as! AGSGraphic),
attributes: attr)
Model class for manipulating features :
class POICategory: NSObject, NSCoding
var isActive : Bool;
var name : String;
var nameFilter : String;
var key : String;
init(isActive: Bool,name : String, nameFilter: String, key: String){
self.isActive = isActive;
self.name = name;
self.nameFilter = nameFilter;
self.key = key;
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
self.isActive = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: "isActive") as? Bool
self.name = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: "name") as! String
self.nameFilter = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: "nameFilter") as! String
self.key = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: "key") as! String
func encode(with aCoder: NSCoder) {
aCoder.encode(self.isActive, forKey: "isActive")
aCoder.encode(self.name, forKey: "name")
aCoder.encode(self.nameFilter, forKey: "nameFilter")
aCoder.encode(self.key, forKey: "key")
i have debugged the code and came to know that the featureSet.feature has no elements in swift 3.2 but has elements in 2.3,that is why it is not entering the loop and setting the graphics to the marker
why this happens,since this method is from esri's delegate..is this bug from their end ?
please help me in fixing this issue,if anyone has any idea on this
there's nothing wrong in migration from 2.3 to 3.2,only thing which might break according to me is the code in your model class
try changing your model class in the second init from
self.isActive = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: "isActive") as? Bool
self.isActive = aDecoder.decodeBool(forKey: "isActive")
you are trying to read a boolean value like object, which might be the issue