Good afternoon,
I have the below Jinja field:
When this filename runs through the render
expected token 'end of print statement', got ':'
so I swapped the : for a ++ instead and then I get
'DEVICE_RTR' is undefined
Which to me looks like its taking the dash symbol as a function possibly?
I tried escaping it as per the below, that just ignores the whole field
I need to use a separator char which I split against in my function to get the right data. and the - is how the data is named.
is there a way to escape all chars but process the data in it? or does anyone know what values I can swap to make this work?
background function is below, which should give an idea of what im doing:
field_names = re.findall(r'(?s)(?<={{)(.*?)(?=}})', template.config, flags=re.S)
for i, field in enumerate(field_names):
data = field
data = data.strip()
data = data.lower()
if '|' in data:
data = data.split('|')[0]
field_names[i] = data
field_names = list(set(field_names))
template_data = {}
for name in field_names:
# reset the device_data incase it was altered with the alt name
device_data = Device.objects.get(id=device_id)
if '++' in name:
alt_data = name.split('++')[0]
if alt_data.startswith('device_'):
alt_data = alt_data.split('_')
device_data = Device.objects.get(site_id=device_data.site_id,hostname__icontains=alt_data[1])
alt_field_data = get_field_data(name.split('++')[1])
alt_field_data[name.upper()] = alt_field_data.pop(name.split('++')[1].upper())
template_data = {**template_data, **alt_field_data}
template_data = {**template_data, **get_field_data(name.split('++')[1])}
template_data = {**template_data, **get_field_data(name)}
The fields are processed because the regex you use to match them is (.*?)
which matches anything. But, the Jinja2 docs say that identifiers are matched using this regex:
So I guess your only option is use the underscore as "control character". One possible solution could be the following.
At the moment of generating the Jinja2 template fields, use:
) in place of the dash (-
) as a separator, instead of ++
;You can replace the for loop in the above Python code like e.g.:
for name in field_names:
# reset the device_data incase it was altered with the alt name
device_data = Device.objects.get(id=device_id)
if '___' in name: # look for separator
alt_data = name.split('___')[0]
if alt_data.startswith('device_'):
hname = alt_data[7:] # this line has changed
device_data = Device.objects.get(site_id=device_data.site_id,hostname__icontains=hname)
alt_field_data = get_field_data(name.split('___')[1])
alt_field_data[name.upper()] = alt_field_data.pop(name.split('___')[1].upper())
template_data = {**template_data, **alt_field_data}
template_data = {**template_data, **get_field_data(name.split('___')[1])}
template_data = {**template_data, **get_field_data(name)}