I've found this good and simple article https://medium.com/@jamuhl/translate-your-expo-io-react-native-mobile-application-aa220b2362d2 to implement localization in RN (in Expo).
My use case is a bit different: my app have list of hundrends of terms to translate (a js object of ~1MB each language, times 6-7 languages).
The app is totally offline (no chance to load the locale files from a server) so I'm searching the best way to lazy-loads the json/js locale object I want.
I'm here to take advices from RN/i18next experts possibly.
EDIT: I pretty much copied the i18n configuration of this https://github.com/i18next/react-i18next/blob/master/example/react-native-expo/js/i18n.js
The real databases are in the field data:DB
. Obiouvsly that's not the best way to load heavy files, I always loads all the DB of all the languages..can I keep somehow the same simple structure but lazy-load just the language I need?
Otherwise, there is an example of local lazy-load (from the device file system) in i18next and react-native?
import i18n from 'i18next';
import {reactI18nextModule} from 'react-i18next';
fallbackLng: 'en',
resources: {
en: {
home: {
title: 'Welcome',
introduction: 'This text comes from i18next and is provided in english.',
data: { DB:require("./locales/it.json") },
de: {
home: {
title: 'Willkommen',
introduction: 'Dieser Text ist von i18next und ist in deutsch.',
data: { DB:require("./locales/de.json") },
// have a common namespace used around the full app
ns: ['common'],
defaultNS: 'home',
debug: true,
interpolation: {
escapeValue: false, // not needed for react as it does escape per default to prevent xss!
With i18next it's rather simple to create a own backend implementation...https://www.i18next.com/misc/creating-own-plugins#backend
I would suggest bundling your translations with the application and not loading from any external resource. You also can directly add translations on the fly using https://www.i18next.com/overview/api#resource-handling