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GnssStatus.Callback no working in android 8

I have used

public class MyGPSStatusV24 extends GnssStatus.Callback {

        public void onStarted() {
            myLogApp.log("[onGpsStatusChanged] GPS_EVENT_STARTED...");


        public void onStopped() {
            myLogApp.log("[onGpsStatusChanged] GPS_EVENT_STOPPED...");


        public void onSatelliteStatusChanged(GnssStatus status) {
            myLogApp.log("[onGpsStatusChanged] onSatelliteStatusChanged...");

        public void onFirstFix(int ttffMillis) {
            myLogApp.log("[onGpsStatusChanged] GPS_EVENT_FIRST_FIX...");


for checking the GPS status in android 8.

And in the main there is:

mlocManager = (LocationManager) getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE);
            mlocListener = new MyLocationListener();

            if(Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.N ){
                mlocManager.registerGnssStatusCallback(new MyGPSStatusV24());
            mlocManager.requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER, 0, 0, mlocListener);

But the methods in MyGPSStatusV24 were never triggered.

Even I disable GPS, the onStopped wasn´t be triggered.

I have tried this code in an Android 7 device and worked but when I use google pixel no working. I don´t know if this is a bug in google pixel o in android 8.


  • OK, I have tested and the Bug is from the device, it´s not a codec bug.