In my app, I have a WebView Activity that loads a URL.
I have a custom Toolbar, and I want it to show the title of the page, the URL and if it is a secure connection or not.
I have observed that several famous apps (Twitter, Youtube, Telegram...) have this exactly same Toolbar model for their WebView activities, and I wonder if Android has a default toolbar for this, or if they have built the same custom toolbar.
And, if it is the second case (I have to build the custom toolbar myself), I can access the page title overriding the onPageFinished method of the WebViewClient, but how can I get if the connection is secure or not?
I include a snapshot of the Telegram toolbar I am talking about (it is the same for the other apps):
Thank you very much and sorry about my English!
To show web url in this kind of view, you don't need WebViewActivity.
This can be achieved using Chrome's custom tabs.
To achieve this, follow these steps:
(1) add dependency in your build.gradle
-> compile ''
(2) write this method in some some utility class
public static void openUrlInChromeCustomTab(Context context, String url) {
try {
CustomTabsIntent.Builder builder = new CustomTabsIntent.Builder();
CustomTabsIntent customTabsIntent =;
customTabsIntent.launchUrl(context, Uri.parse(url));
} catch (ActivityNotFoundException e) {
// might not available.
//openUrlLinkInWebView(context, url);
} catch (Exception e) {
(3) call this method from where you want to open link like : openUrlInChromeCustomTab(activity, url");
that's all.
Also, you can customise it with whatever you needs. learn more at