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Passing an array into a custom function wrapped in an ArrayFormula?

I have a spreadsheet that contain columns that use merged cells for formatting reasons. I am trying to create columns that mirror this first set of columns but used the merged cell value on all of its affected rows. I can do this thanks to a custom function that I found online. What I can't do is then contain this within an arrayformula and I'm not sure why.

Here is a small version of the spreadsheet:

The custom function is:

* Takes into account merged cells and returns the value of the merged cell 
* for all the cells within the merged range, rother than just the top left 
* cell of the merged range.
* Copied from
* Used by Patrick Duncan. - 7 May 2018

function cellVal(cellAddress) {
  var cell = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange(cellAddress);  
  return (cell.isPartOfMerge() ? cell.getMergedRanges()[0].getCell(1, 1) : cell).getValue();

The formula without the Arrayformula is:


And what I was trying was:


Any idea what I'm doing wrong here?




  • How about this modification? I think that there are several solutions for your situation. So please think of this as one of them.

    Modification points :

    • When index(address(row(E3:E30),5,4)) is given to cellAddress, cellAddress is [["E3"], ["E4"], ["E5"],,,]. This is a 2 dimensional array.
      • Flatten this 2 dimensional array for getRangeList().
    • Convert the flattened array to the range array using getRangeList().
    • Retrieve each value using the converted range and return them.

    Modified script :

    function cellVal3(cellAddress) { // Modified the function name to "cellVal3"
      cellAddress = Array.prototype.concat.apply([], cellAddress);
      var cells = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRangeList(cellAddress).getRanges();
      return{return [(cell.isPartOfMerge() ? cell.getMergedRanges()[0].getCell(1, 1) : cell).getValue()]});

    Usage :

    When you use this custom function, please use as follows.




    References :

    If I misunderstand your question, I'm sorry.