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Alamofire ObjectMapper - Extract common fields from all models and map them

There are few fields common in all models returned by api. But they don't come as a separate object. They are there among other fields.

Example of two models :

Event :


Opportunity :


As shown, initial fields are common in both (all) models - id, company_id, archived, created_by and so on.
There are tons of projects I have worked with ObjectMapper but didn't encounter this before. I am fully aware of handling nested models, but this is a different case.
Though I can easily handle this by repeating all common fields in all models. But this doesn't sound good.
What I am looking is a way I can create a separate model class with all common fields. But the question is - how would I map that with api response using ObjectMapper ?

Just as an example, this is how I have created Opportunity model :

import UIKit
import ObjectMapper

class Opportunity: NSObject, Mappable {

    var id: Int?
    var companyId: Int?
    var archived: Int?
    var createdBy: Int?
    var updatedBy: Int?
    var ownerId: Int?
    var accountId: Int?
    var name: String?
    var leadSource: String?
    var amount: String?
    var closeDate: String?
    var probability: String?
    var stage: String?
    var createdAt: String?
    var updatedAt: String?

    required init?(map: Map) {


     func mapping(map: Map) { <- map["id"]
        self.companyId <- map["company_id"]
        self.archived <- map["archived"]
        self.createdBy <- map["created_by"]
        self.updatedBy <- map["updated_by"]
        self.ownerId <- map["owner_id"]
        self.accountId <- map["account_id"] <- map["name"]
        self.leadSource <- map["lead_source"]
        self.amount <- map["amount"]
        self.closeDate <- map["close_date"]
        self.probability <- map["probability"]
        self.stage <- map["stage"]
        self.createdAt <- map["created_at"]
        self.updatedAt <- map["updated_at"]


  • You can create base entity and put there common fields.


    import UIKit
    import ObjectMapper
    class BaseEntity: NSObject, Mappable {
        var id: Int?
        var companyId: Int?
        var archived: Int?
        var createdBy: Int?
        var updatedBy: Int?
        var ownerId: Int?
        var name: String?
        var createdAt: String?
        var updatedAt: String?
        required init?(map: Map) {
        func mapping(map: Map) {
   <- map["id"]
            self.companyId <- map["company_id"]
            self.archived <- map["archived"]
            self.createdBy <- map["created_by"]
            self.updatedBy <- map["updated_by"]
            self.ownerId <- map["owner_id"]
   <- map["name"]
            self.createdAt <- map["created_at"]
            self.updatedAt <- map["updated_at"]
    class Opportunity: BaseEntity {
        var accountId: Int?
        var leadSource: String?
        var amount: String?
        var closeDate: String?
        var probability: String?
        var stage: String?
        required init?(map: Map) {
            super.init(map: map)
        override func mapping(map: Map) {
            super.mapping(map: map)
            self.accountId <- map["account_id"]
            self.leadSource <- map["lead_source"]
            self.amount <- map["amount"]
            self.closeDate <- map["close_date"]
            self.probability <- map["probability"]
            self.stage <- map["stage"]

    Note: BaseEntity isn't good name, I think you can give better name.