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Why does Idris conflate a value name with a type argument name that is subsequently defined?

Haskell allows:

a:: Int 
a = 3
data MyList a = Nil | Cons a (MyList a) 

Whereas Idris will complain with a is bound as an implicit, and I need to use a different type argument:

a: Int 
a = 3
data MyList b = Nil | Cons b (MyList b)


  • Actually, Idris does not conflate them here, because a is lower case. But it could – other than Haskell – because it supports values in types. So the compiler warns you, because that is a common source for errors. Suppose you write:

    n : Nat
    n = 3
    doNothing : Vect n Int -> Vect n Int
    doNothing xs = xs

    You might expect that doNothing's type is Vect 3 Int -> Vect 3 Int. But instead lower case arguments are bound to be implicit and doNothing's type is actually {n : Nat} -> Vect n Int -> Vect n Int, despite the previous declared n. You'd have to write Vect Main.n Int or make N upper case to use it.

    So the compiler thinks that maybe you wanted to do something similiar with the a in MyList a and warns you.