Suppose my DFA has the following structure:
dfa = DFA(
{'q0','q1'}, # States
{'0','1'}, # Alphabets
{'q0':{'0':'q0', '1': 'q1'},
'q1':{'0':'q1', '1': 'q0'}}, # Transition_funcs
'q0', # Start_state
{'q1'} # Final_state
What I'm trying to do is to validate that for each state, my transition table has one and only one transition function for each alphabet or sigma. What I did is the following:
class DFA(object):
def __init__(self, States=None, Alphabets=None, Transitio_funcs=None, Start_state=None, Final_states=None):
self.States = Sates
self.Alphabets = Alphabets
self.Transition_funcs = Transition_funcs
self.Start_state = Start_state
self.Final_state = Final_state
def validate(self):
input = {}
output = {}
for k,v in self.Transition_funcs.items():
for k1,v1 in v.items():
input[k1] = count.get(k1,0) +1
output[v1] = count.get(v1,0) +1
for ks,vals in input:
if vals != 1
return False
for ks,vals in output:
if vals != 1
return False
return True
My understanding is that since each unique input has unique output state, I need to check there is only one count for each input alphabet and only one count for each output state. However,I'm getting following error:
if vals != 1
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
I would appreciate if anyone can point me to what exactly I'm missing.
You are missing :
in both of your if
statements, hence SyntaxError
It should read,
if vals != 1: